Monthly Archives - septiembre 2022

Essarp y Spelling Bee

We very proudly want to congratulate Mariano Milone and Francisco Igarreta for having obtained the 1st Prize Award in the Beginner Category and Junior Category respectively, in the ESSARP Affiliate Schools “Creative Writing Competition” 2022.

Many boys and girls from numerous schools participated in this prestigious competition in which their writing skills as well as their creativity were put to the test.

Also we warmly congratulate the winners of the 2022 Spelling Bee Competition!

1st Year:
Carlos Concha Subercaseaux (1st Place)
Javier Gómez Perea (2nd Place)
Estanislao Torres (3rd Place)

2nd Year:
Francisco Igarreta (1st Place)
Facundo O´Reilly (2nd Place)
Tomás Moore (3rd Place)

Congratulations boys on your outstanding achievement!

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2° grado homenajea a San Martín

Los alumnos de 2° grado y sus docentes se lucieron en este gran acto en homenaje al Gral. José de San Martín. Felicitamos a todos por su buen desempeño y agradecemos a las madres que colaboraron con los disfraces. Aplauso especial a los abanderados de Primaria y Secundaria.
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